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Mt.Huangshan and Mt.Changbaishan learn from each other and work together to promote development

Publish Date: 2024-05-29 10:02Sources: Huangshan Geopark Administrative Committee Views:

Recently, Huangshan Tourism Group visited Changbaishan Tourism Co., Ltd. for investigation and exchange to explore the cooperation paths and methods of cross provincial cultural and tourism enterprises.

At the exchange meeting, both sides introduced the business development of their enterprises and the advantages of cultural and tourism resources in the two regions, and unanimously stated: firstly, highlight platform sharing, rely on the two mountain exchange and cooperation platforms, work together to enhance the competitiveness of both products, industry integration, project traction, service support, and brand influence. The second is to strengthen project sharing and cooperation, focusing on the large scenic areas, cultivation of large enterprises, and attraction of large projects. The third is to promote customer sharing, exchange experiences of health and wellness tourism, share market resources, and expand the market share through joint efforts in brand building, marketing planning, creative design, etc. During this visit, Huangshan also visited our send-out staff in charge of the sightseeing cableway in Changchun Jingyuetan National Scenic Area.