Huangshan scenic spot in China
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Lushan UNESCO Global Geopark visited Huangshan

Publish Date: 2024-03-13 10:07Sources: Huangshan Geopark Administrative Committee Views:

From March 9 to 10, the delegation of Lushan UGGp has visited Huangshan.The delegation visited the East Gate of Huangshan, the Protection Management Command and Dispatching Center, the "China Good Man" studio and other places to investigate projects construction, digital management and etc. Both sides held a meeting to exchange views on comprehensive law enforcement, consultation and complaints, market supervision, transportation, publicity and marketing, and tourism development. Both Huangshan and Lushan are mountain type scenic areas. The two sides have close exchanges, a deep foundation for cooperation, and broad prospects for development. We hope to take the opportunity of jointly hosting the 2024 (Mount Lushan) Annual Meeting of China Mountain Tourism Alliance to further deepen practical cooperation and promote the protection, management and development of both sides to a new level.