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The Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau held the 2024 summary Conference and the Opening Ceremony of the Safety Construction Training

Publish Date: 2024-02-29 08:50Sources: Huangshan Geopark Administrative Committee Views:

On Feb 26th, the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau of Huangshan Geopark Administrative Committee held the 2024 summary conference and the opening ceremony of the safety construction training course. 
In the past year, the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau has been awarded the title of "National Advanced Collective in Administrative Law Enforcement", the Yingkesong Volunteer Service Team has been awarded the title of "National Best Volunteer Service Organization for Learning from Lei Feng", and a series of "30 Years of Comprehensive Governance" activities have been held, giving birth to the "Lianhuafeng Little Brother" internet celebrity and a group of "Three Good" recipients have emerged.
Since the establishment of the Comprehensive Governance Work Leading Group in 1993, the system and mechanism have been continuously improved, creating an integrated work pattern of "comprehensive governance leading, professional management as the backbone, and public participation as the basis", forming a three-level management system of the Comprehensive Governance Committee, Comprehensive Governance Office, and Comprehensive Governance Group.